By Moses Torres
Picture by Landra Lorraine

Well, EWF finally did appear on the Today Show on Friday, September 12th, 1997. Their stage set was outdoors in the middle of a street that is apparently right next to the Today Show building. The male host of the Today Show (Mr. Laurer?) started the intro by mentioning that EWF has currently released their 22nd album named "In The Name Of Love" (with the CD cover and the picture disk itself being displayed on TV). He then introduces Verdine White, Ralph Johnson & Phillip Bailey and speaking towards Phillip he states that the word in the street is that this current CD is a "throw back to the early music of EWF". Then Phillip acknowledges by saying "Yes, we’ve gone back to the basics….". The interview continued up to the subject about Maurice. The host say’s that "Maurice no longer tours with the group, but he is still a part of this…." Verdine "quickly" answers by saying, "Producer, yes, he’s the patriarch, you know, the founding father of the group, and with these talented people behind us (pointing to the band), we have a great thing going". The host then said he’s jealous because he heard the group is going to Monte Carlo next week for a little R&R (rest & relaxation), and then back to New York for a concert at the "Theatre" (?) and at Madison Square Garden. Then the host asks the guys what song they were going to play and they said "Revolution". They proceeded to play that song with Sheldon doing the lead vocals (in lieu of Maurice). They sounded pretty good and the 2 girls were on stage with the group also. 

After they finished the song, it went into a commercial. Upon returning, Ms. Couric states that "We’re all huge fans of yours, but could you please tell the girls to put some clothes on!" She was only joking, because of the fact that the girls were wearing short mini-skirts. Then they proceeded to jam on "Fantasy" and towards the end of the song, I noticed Phillip having a little trouble reaching a "high note" with a little hoarseness in his voice. Probably due to the fact they were outdoors in the early morning in New York and also from singing so much from a long tour. Other than that, they sounded great on "Fantasy", with the camera’s panning around the audience showing people clapping and lip singing the song. After they finished that song, the Today Show signed off.

Moses Torres
Los Angeles, California


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